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The Inspirer Recruitment ;)

Posted by THE_INSPIRER UTP Sunday, April 10, 2011 2 comments

"Halo, Please be informed that The 
Inspirer will be recruiting new members!!!

 Come and join us!

 We are the first and most

 established STUDENT MAGAZINE in UTP! 


 you are interested in expressing your

thoughts through journalism and publication, 

then you are our guy!!!! 

p/s: the venue is 

changed to v3 meeting room"

The Importance of Integrity

Posted by THE_INSPIRER UTP Thursday, April 7, 2011 0 comments

In a busy, results focused world, it can be very easy to be seduced by the end goal, the feeling that achieving our desired outcome justifies whatever means are required to get there. For some people that attitude and mindset can be enough. For them, it is all about winning.
Interestingly however, more and more people are finding that they are questioning that attitude. They are finding that there needs to be more to success than just winning at any cost. These people feel that, whatever the outcome, there has to be a sense of satisfaction and personal fulfillment to warrant the time and effort put into their endeavours. They find it important to feel good about themselves, to feel that they have behaved fairly and with a sense of dignity and honour and as such have a clear conscience and be able to sleep at night.
Life contains more happiness and contentment when everyone is accepting of the situations they find themselves in, or at least understand why things worked out that way. Even bad news can be tolerated with a good grace if it is delivered in a fair, respectful manner.
Integrity has several key components:
- Being true to yourself. Being able to live with yourself and your actions is the key to happiness and contentment in life. Peace of mind means being comfortable with your own choices and decisions. What other people say or know about events can factor in to some extent, but the ultimate point of reference is oneself. Doing the right thing so that it sits comfortably with oneself is ultimately the important criteria in personal integrity.
- Having a Clear Conscience. We all have a conscience and maintaining that sense of being honest, being true to our own code of conduct, deciding to do what is fair and right is more important than the law of the land or what we discover we can get away with. Our own sense of values is the key factor to having a clear conscience. This is not the same as being motivated by guilt or emotional blackmail. It is about deciding what is the right thing to do, the right choice to make and then handling that decision fairly for all concerned.
- Giving Value for Money. This means being honest and responsible, doing right by others, doing a fair days work for a fair days pay, appreciating that our wages are a charge on the business and as such we have to earn our keep. Having integrity in charging others a fair price for any goods or services that they purchase off us.
- Living with a sense of fair play. This was brought home to me recently. I was taking part in an award at my gym, a challenge that entailed reaching different levels of fitness. As each stage was completed the prize was a t-shirt, each level having a different colour. When I started the challenge and passed the first level a member of the gym staff offered me a higher level t-shirt and I was tempted for a minute to take it, but my trainer refused. I quickly appreciated having taken the correct t-shirt. I had earned the right to wear it. I was then provided with the motivation to work towards the next level of accomplishment, determined to win it fairly. Fair play provides motivation and a sense of having earned each level of success. And not minding losing if the experience has been a fair and satisfying challenge.


How Do You Deal with Failure?

Posted by THE_INSPIRER UTP 0 comments

What is your view on failure? How do you feel after you fail? Don’t be shy. I know you have failed at something… everyone has, MULTIPLE times. It feels pretty bad huh? Why? Why is it that more than 90% of business owners, entrepreneurs, teachers, students, employees, etc, feel that failure is bad? Why have we been taught to think this way? More importantly why have you not re-taught yourself?
Well I will tell you this, failure is GREAT! I bet you are thinking I am crazy, but listen here. A successful person understands what failure really is. Failure is just feedback, and that feedback calls for adjustments. Your success mechanism cannot work without that feedback. So, with the right mindset on this misunderstood feeling, failure is formulated as: Failure = Feedback + Readjustment = Success
Get out of the mindset of what you have been taught that failure is bad. Change what failure means to you. For instance: Thomas Edison tried 10,000 things before he figured out how the light bulb works. So at what point do you tell yourself to stop before you get the end result you initially desired? How many times would you have stopped before you reached 10,000?
When you treat your failure as a feedback for adjustment, it develops into a really a healthy coping mechanism for failure. Know how to understand these feelings and the emotional response of discouragement. Use it to your advantage rather than turning them off.

credits to  Candace Davies

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I he still believes in himself, why can't you?